Whats the purpose of that event?
After making your usual experiences high or drunk in the clubs you are maybe looking for something else, something new, something sustainable, something conscious, something cleansing, something thats not based on consume but on your own real capacity. I ll create the room and share some techniques with you and you are invited to experiment with yourself. The rest is up to you.
Why is oases structure changing again and again?
Because its an experimental space and its developing by the feedback from the past events and personal experiences that happen meanwhile. How can be something be the same when we wake up everyday as a different person? No oase will be like the other, i guess. oase is adaptive. I decided to not hand out any substitutes like cacao anymore as i know that all we need is our breath, movement and music as a stimulator. There is nothing to consume.
Why are you doing oase?
Personally me, i would like to share the insights of my explorations in the clubs/festivals and the conscious scene that help me to stay connected to nature, and as i m part of nature, to myself. I face the here and now with an attitude to welcome positive change so i can give all my energy into this world and create to take part of the transformation. As a facilitator i create a space where you can explore your own potencial, stimulated by music, supported by a remix of spiritual practices with a conscious breath and movement.
What will happen in the active meditation?
We will stand on the dancefloor facing the front. We will ask silently for ourself a question or you take the one i ll propose. I ll inspire you how you can move to the sounds that will follow. We close our eyes and keep them closed till the end of the meditation if thats comfy for you. The first 30 mins we will just shake to a very deep shamanic drumset. Then we will walk on the spot to another drumset. After that we will stand still or move slowly on our spot to a soft piece of music to listen and recieve the answers to our questions. GiZ will tune in and will play us a proper piece of music art and the free flow of your dance continues.
What will happen in the silent meditation?
We will be still and breath conscious and slow with closed eyes.
Can i smoke on the dancefloor?
No, so we can focus just on dancing. Another reason is that pregnant women and others who are sensitive on smoke can join as well.
Why no alcohol?
Because its making you drunk.
Why no chemicals?
Because its making you drugged and therefor you cannot experience just yourself. oase is one day in your life you can be sober and to be honest and face the facts, when we consume we support a lot of war outside and inside.
Is oase against drugs?
In accordance to the law of a capitalistic system for sure. As i m not a child and fan of that one: NO. I think we all can make our own experiences. The important thing is to give ourselfs time to learn and ask questions afterwards and to integrate what we have seen and what we got to know into this dimensions to make it happen here as well. Its about doing things mindful and conscious about the riscs etc. . At oase we want to experience ourselfs without substances to have clear mind, body and visions.
Why no trash?
With trash i mean literally everything that isnt good for the planet. Plastic, deco that is used just once or is made under exploitive circumstances (including tattoos, glitter flitter things, fashion etc. ). oase also points on the quality of the music, what is been played and how the sound is.
Can i come alone?
For sure. There will be enough amazing people coming.
How much does this event cost?
In total this one costs about 1500.
Why is oase so “expensive”?
As in oase alcohol is not sold in the bar, i pay a higher rent to keep the club free from drunk and drugged people. Funny enough, that we have to buy a free space like this together. In addition, i pay the djs a good fee, the technic i have to rent and the promotion and the prints need to be bought. I also have to pay tax. I just invested so far around 3000,- in the oase as i believe it is the right direction. In between i cried and thought i am crazy and that this event that comes from the bottom of my heart will ruin me financial wise. I grew and organised a safety system, so oase can grow organically without me beeing worried anymore. I trust and i m happy that i will earn also some money for all the time, creative thoughts and creators energy i put with love in oase when the time has come. We always get rewared in our lifes at some point.
Do i need to have any experience to attend?
How can i support oase?
You can just come and be a guest, and you can spread the words and invite your friends as well. If you like and can its possible to buy a supporter ticket.
How many people will be in the event?
I would like to know this now as well. Enough to be an experimental group. The space is limited to 150 guest. Thats a group that works fine.
Why is oase on a sunday?
As in oase alcohol is not sold in the bar, its hard to get a \“club\“ in the weekends as they live from the income of the bar. So i pay a higher rent as normal promoters. And well, its nice to clear yourself for the new week to come on a sunday.
What can i expect to happen at oase?
You will enter an explorative space where you can attend two meditations..These are framed by two dj sets in a very sweet location with a wonderful garden with a fire.
Is oase something for me?
With no doubt, yes. Because even if u think this is all shit, you get to know yourself better. So, nothing to loose here. But it is not a shit.
Do i have to be there the whole event or can i arrive later?
I recommand to attend the whole event for the experience. But you can come and go whenever you feel like.